Q&A: Financial Advice
Question: What do you think about (insert miscellaneous financial advice) from my dad/friend/influencer/television personality/stranger?
Short answer: It depends.
Long answer: Click to read…

Q&A: Education Savings
Question: Should I save for my child’s education if someone else (such as their grandparents) told me they plan to cover the cost?
Short answer: Yes. Save and save on a regular basis.
Long answer: Click to read…

Top 3: Engagement
1. Speak openly and honestly about finances
2. Open a joint bank account
3. Create common financial goals, while still making progress with personal goals
Top 3: Home Purchase
1. Accumulate savings for a down payment, associated costs/fees, and emergency fund
2. Complete the mortgage pre-approval process
3. Peruse homes patiently

Top 3: New Baby
1. Complete or update Estate Planning
2. Review risk management program
3. Set up 529 college savings plan

F: Focus your attention and time
Time is a finite resource – there are only 24 hours in each day. Therefore, it is important to focus time and attention carefully, especially regarding finances.

E: Empower yourself financially
Talking about money makes many people feel uncomfortable - the topic is considered taboo within our culture. As a result…

D: Dedicate dollars to your goals
Financial goals range in size and timeframe. While it may feel necessary to choose which goals to prioritize, the appropriate course of action is…
C: Contribute for your employer match
As an employee for a company, one of the potential benefits offered is a retirement plan. A retirement plan provides the opportunity to save…
B: Build or Bolster your emergency fund
It is imperative to set aside cash in a bank account reserved for unexpected situations. This type of cash savings is commonly called…
A: Align your resources and lifestyle
This tip typically elicits laughter (and the occasional eye roll), but while it sounds simple, it is not always easy to execute. Your financial well-being depends greatly…